Thursday, October 21, 2010

Christmas music already?!

There's a radio station on our area that has already begun playing continuous Christmas music. Yes, it is still October, and this is not a joke. The radio station chose to do this on purpose. And, as some of you may imagine, there are mixed feelings about this. For the most part, up until the past year or so, I wouldn't have been a big fan of continuous Christmas music before Thanksgiving. (A few Christmas songs here and there, okay.) But now? Bring it on! I'm actually a bit excited about it. After all, December 25th is simply one day out of the year when I think about Christ's birth, death, and resurrection. It's simply one day when I think about just how much Christ loves me. But, December 25th is not the only day I think about that. I think about all that almost every day. So, what would the big deal be if I, or anyone else, listened to lots of Christmas music all throughout the year in part of celebrating Christ and remembering what He's done for us? Okay, so some of the Christmas music isn't about Christ--it's more about the commercial aspect of the "season" and Santa Claus and such. I realize this. Yet, there are so many Christmas songs that are about Christ.

I'll be listening to that radio station a bit...I already have. I'm ready to celebrate Christ, and I wouldn't mind putting up the Christmas decorations! (Mom won't let me do that,, I wait until the day after Thanksgiving.)

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