Monday, January 31, 2011

Wow, what a day.

Actually, it began with a dream yesterday morning about a rabbit loose in our house. This rabbit wasn't ours; it just ran in the door. And it wasn't a wild bunny, it was one of the big bunnies that are shown at fairs. It was white with brown markings on its ears and face. A normal, odd dream for me.

This morning, fairly early, I had a dream that my brother was trying to fix our water pump. In the dream, it was in a large pit in our front yard. My brother was getting ready to climb down in the pit and somehow he fell in. My mom and I were standing there like, oh, crap. Then, my brother stood up in the pit and yelled for us to pull him out. The dream ended with me thinking,"He's injured, but not bad, thank You, Lord, but how are we supposed to pull him out?" That was a bit scary, and I'm thankful Jesus helped me get back to sleep after that one.

Before lunch, we got a phone call from our elementary school asking us to come get one of our girls who had gotten sick, and her mom was at work. So, my sister went and got her.

During lunch, our dog Snuggles (11 1/2 years old) had a small seizure--the 2nd (or third?) one in three weeks. We made a vet appointment for later in the afternoon.

My sister decides she wants to make a going-away card for a friend of hers who is moving soon. Mind you, this isn't a simple card; it's one of those cool-looking scrapbook card things. So, since she's not quite gifted in that sort of thing, I was able to make it for her and she can now fill in the rest.

Then one of the parents called saying that 2 of their kids would be on the bus coming home, but not the 3rd--they got a doctor appointment for him for a possible ear infection.

My sister and I took Snuggles to the vet. After a blood test, we found out she may have Addison's disease, which means not enough of a hormone is being made causing her electrolytes to be way out of wack, She goes in some time tomorrow for an hour-long test to be done.

When we got home, none of the four previous-mentioned kids were there--some misscommunication or something between the three in the same family and all ended up going for the one's appointment. The sick one was gone. The other 2 (not mentioned yet) had been picked up. The only ones there were 2 of my cousins (not before mentioned).

Then, Biggest Loser Workout and dinner, and some other random small things. Now I see a stinky cheese hat and I'm trying to see past the toys on the computer desk. One of "our" goofy kids is a Green Bay Packers fan and decided to bring his stinky cheese hat (you know the one) and some of his toys, although he knew he had school today. He's 5.

Now to read the Word, watch Hawaii 5-0, then go to bed. I think.

And how am I? Doing fairly well. My dad, well, he's a bit worried about Snuggles--both her health and the vet bill. Prayer for him and the dog would be appreciated.

Oh, I can always use prayer.

And in my mind, I still see that beautiful bunny rabbit from my dream yesterday morning.

Wow. What a day. Yet, not really in the crazy sense. (I'm serious. Just "random". Not crazy.)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Missions Trip Mexico (part 4): Location, team, provisions

Yay! We know the details about the location! We will be going to Doctor Arroyo in the Nuevo Leon region, south east of Monterrey, in the mountains. I've heard it gets down to around 65 degrees F at night in July, which is good for sleeping. I'm excited about that one.

I'm excited about our team. We have a great team, and hopefully we get even better. It's going to be a blast spending over a week with all of them!

The Lord has already provided the funds for me to go. I knew He would, because He wants me to go, but I didn't know He would provide it all already! Thanks, dear Husband, my King! Please continue to pray for peace and trust for the team as God will provide for them, as well.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

In the stillness, God is there

In the not too distant past, there was a day in which I was in pain for about 5 1/2 hours (I'm female, that's all that needs to be said). It was a pain that was not unbearable, but enough to make me almost puke, and enough to make me cry. It was only the 2nd time I'd ever been in that much pain, and I think it was the longest amount of time. While in bed for most of that time, I concentrated on breathing and talking with Jesus. I knew He was with me, but it sure would have been nice to feel His presence right then. While lying there, our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted because of/for Christ came to mind. They know God is right there with them, too, and I'm sure they'd like to feel His presence while being beaten or while in hiding or while in a jail cell. So I prayed for them during those pain-filled hours, as well.

There's a song I know (and sing in church and youth group sometimes) that's been playing in my head for the past week or two that fits with all of this. Well, many may not have thought about this aspect of the song, like I hadn't, before. I pray you will after reading this, though. The song is "In the Secret" by Andy Park.(If you don't know the song, it's on YouTube and iTunes and many other places on the Web.) Here are the lyrics:

In the secret in the quiet place
In the stillness you are there
In the secret in the quiet hour
I wait only for you
'cause I want to know you more

I want to know you

I want to hear your voice
I want to know you more
I want to touch you
I want to see your face
I want to know you more

I am reaching for the highest goal

That I might receive the prize
Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance aside
Out of my way
'cause i want to know you more

I used to think of a quiet, still place as me being in the woods, on/by a small lake, out shoveling snow or something. Or, maybe in my bed before falling asleep at night. Well, what about the "secret" room where a brother or sister is being held prisoner for owning a Bible? Or the "quiet", "stillness" of solitary confinement in a jail cell because that member of our family told someone about Jesus? Or the "quiet hour" between sessions of physical torture?

Do you think God is with our brothers and sisters there? YES. Do our brothers and sisters know He's there? Most of them, YES. And they're waiting for Him. They just want Christ. They do their best to keep focused on Christ, "pushing every hindrance aside" as they're "reaching for the highest goal"--Christ.

I dare you to think about our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted around the world the next time you hear or sing this song. It enhances the meaning a bit, I think.

Want more information about the persecuted Church? Want to know how to pray for them? How to help? Go to The Voice of the Martyrs website: