Well, good gravy, it's been a long time since I've posted anything. I enjoy writing and I enjoy posting on this blog. However, there are many times when I have something I'd like to post, but am either not able to post at that moment or I forget what I was going to post by the time I do have the opportunity. And that's the way it goes. I'd like to say I'll give myself a certain amount of time each week to post something of substance, but I'm not going to do that. There are many other things that require and deserve my attention more than this blog. Yet, there are some things that aren't quite as important, too.
This kind of reminds me of some of the things I've been thinking about prayer in the past few months. There are so many people and situations that we are encouraged to pray for. We're supposed to pray for our leaders (of every kind, and I have a lot of them); our family; our friends; our enemies; ourselves; our country; the world; those who don't know Christ; those who do; situations in general; specific needs; and the list goes on. I don't think I could even begin to pray for everyone and everything I'm "supposed to" each day even if that's the only thing I did. And Christ knows this.
When He says to "pray without ceasing", I think He wants us to be in constant communication with Him, not necessarily in "formal prayer". Praying is basically talking with Christ, anyway, and that is something I can do all day long. I do that, too. Jesus and I talk with each other all day. Some days it's little bits here and there, and more just hanging out with each other. Other days we talk a lot.
Yet each day it's definitely not enough. I could never talk with my King enough. And that's okay. It also means we'll never run out of things to talk about!
This is why I don't get discouraged about "not praying enough". As long as I keep talking with Christ, always knowing that we could talk more (and I could definitely listen more, ha!), then I shouldn't worry about it. It's if I'd choose to stop talking with Christ--that's when there'd be a problem. :)